You can click on the work out plan to enlarge it. I thought this week would be harder beacause I hadn't worked out over 45 minutes on the treadmill and this had a 60 minute work out in the first week. But it was really great! I felt really good after the work outs. By the end of the wekk, i stated feeling i could go longer than a minuted, so I just increased the intensity. I can't wait to see what next week brings. I am a little nervous because I get to run 3 minutes in a row, and only walk 2 minutes.
Eating this week went well except for Tuesday. I accidently deleted over my family and business blogs. Long, story short, I was devistated over loosing my family blog beacuse I have been blogging for about 4 years, and had used it as sort of a journal. I was so so so sad, and being the emotional eater that I am I drug out a box of Valentines chocolates that were in my photography stuio that I have been using for a prop. Good new, I didn't eat the second one! However, I do need to figure out how to handle emotional stress like that. Emotional stress is the one thing that ruins my healthy eating habits.
Luckily the rest of the week was a lot better. Even today, Saturday was a great day. Saturday's are usually the hardest for me. But the whole family is on board, so it wasn't hard at all. We even went to the gym and had a great work out instead of sitting on the couch watching TV!
Yay. Thanks for posting this, I may try it in the next week. Anything to get this junk in my trunk under control!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I am running on the treadmill at home, I like to alternate running/walking with the music I am listening to. It helps me not to focus so much on the time on the clock.