Well week two was....interesting. I made 1 of my 3 workouts....yeah that is sooooo crappy! But I did do fairly well during the week. My weekend was not as good as it should have been, as you can see from Mel's post but still about 100X better than it was at Christmas time so that is progress. I was down 1.5 lbs this week and have to admit I was a bit disappointed. I knew the 5lbs last week was a fluke but it would have been nice to see at least 2lbs this week. Anyhow I am down a total of 7lbs. and my goals for this week are more water and to really make it to work 3x. I also want to work really hard to not use any of my "flex points" on the weekends, and see if it makes a difference. On a side note, today I took the kids to the Zoo because it was "free" zoo day and walked for about 4 1/2 hours total so if I don't make it to the gym tonight I am so counting that. Note to self and all other moms out there..... never go to the Zoo on free Zoo day, it is crazy crowded and not really worth the 1/2 mile hike to get into the Zoo. Next time I will pay to not have people running into the back of my legs with their strollers, and hitting me in the head (yes literally my head) with their purses, elbows, or backpack carriers. Here's to week 3 and trying to get a workout in.....

Mayo? Sick. It makes me think of...anyways, any weight loss is weight loss! Keep it up. I hate any "free" days myself. It never seems worth it. And yes, that is definitely a workout! :)