Thank you Danni for inviting me to this blog. I too had to double take at a pic from the hollidays. Unfortunately it is one that my SIL posted to her blog for all to see. While we were home for the hollidays, I was so frustrated by all who watched me for anything that might give away that I am pregnant, or asking feeler questions to see if I was. No, I am not pregnant, I just don't look like what I did pre baby.
Onto my goals, while I am not currently pregnant, I do want to start trying soon. My number one rule when I had my little guy was that I could not try for another baby before I was completely down to my pre pregnancy weight. My goal was to do this six months after he was born. He is now 21 months, and I am yet to loose those last few pounds. I guess my main goal is to be healthy. I want to make healthy recipes to benefit my whole family, to stay active and be able to stay active through my next pregnancy, and to feel all of the great benefits. To reach these goals, I vow to
1. Exercise at least four times a week
2. Finding and making a new "healthy meal" at least once a week. Hopefully this will become more frequent as I find recipes I like.
3. Only eat sweets
once three times a week. I have to make realistic goals.
4. Cut back on my diet soda intake. I would say give it up completely, but a girl needs one guilty pleasure, so I will continue to poison my body with aspartame and enjoy it thoroughly.
5. Try to get more sleep. Which means going to bed early because my beautiful little boy is definatley a morning person.
In doing these things, I plan to feel better and possibly make better goals later, but for now, this shall do. I am hoping that documenting my progress will make me feel accountable for my actions and keep my on my plan. We'll see how it goes. Fingers Crossed.